m E
l e c t r o n i c pen
Each Snowy Year
Does Never Linger Beyond Raw Aprils Bite!..
Leaves us standing still.
Kiev opportunity—while glaringly obvious, scrumptiously eclectic, rare
and bounding with opportunities, invites also drudgery galore and
questions tiresome. Paperwork, packing, and plants, among them.
The End result is motionless.
Still listening to Roberta flack in the morning, these sounds bring me
to a place exactly between lamenting for the innocent past and standing
up and re-creating it in the now for the future. Still no movement.
August 10, 2006
4, 2006
it's a big day in Montréal. multiple-buzzing, we're worldcupping;
jazzfesting; and shuttle-watching. something brought me to a link to
the lyrics to 'America the Beautiful'.
They're long, and beautiful.
amongst the 'late' crowd. i look around and we're not the oldest people
we know having babies. in fact, even our older friends are still having
babies. that's comforting knowledge when you're nearly 41 before you
know the marvel that is watching your 4-year old pretend that her
hedgehog is delivering Christmas presents. it's like we kind of missed
the first half of the game and somehow; get to watch it now. older,
wiser, (i assume) and more precarious, we spend more time in the future
than in the past, although we don't stay there long. it's getting
of marbella; a somewhat miraculously clean kitchen; we're falling out
of mini-vacations and waiting for the big shmagilla.
tried to make analogies for my attitude towards the 'blog-world'; but
they're for not. let's not.
it's been a while.
Saturday, 2006

1, 2006

January 18, 2006
important generational shift has occurred with my daughter since after
my nieces and nephews were born. 'pow pow' has gone the way of the
dodo. my daughter has never seen a pow pow movie, but instead says
'Pyune Pyune', the sound of Anniken Skywalker's laser gun.
now she grabs my sleeve and says 'VAMANOS'
January 2, 2006
was a year of natural disasters, some for others and one for us too.
the numerology chick at Debbie's party in November told me that 2006 is
a great 'year of change' for me. (or was that a year of great change?)
thanks God for that, i say. talk about needing a change. it's been a
have to accept the caps or else i get red squiggles).
i have a resolution this year.
need to spend less money.
on what? on just about everything.
then there's a list of things that i only realized this morning at 3:42
am were
in fact becoming a list. in the middle of the night, these are adult
'dreams' that at 40,
one must begin to admit will likely never materialize... and of course
part of the list is accepting that there will always be too many adult
dreams to do,
as long as I'm still living my childhood ones...
should i list them here, not sure.
recording a CD, choreographing a number for Beckett, trying my hand at
fashion design, opening a restaurant, going to paris with my
parents...or at least my dad...
the restaurant however, i beckoning. 3 days to prepare Peking duck is a
chore i adore.
tri-barfing again in the middle of the night always makes one happy to
be alive
in the morning. how much longer do i need to spend lying awake at night
my darkest thoughts...
let's hope not long, not long.
welcome, 2006.
welcome, change.

the mEp
1996 - 2006