january slipped away
come and go
so now's today
jan 26
she said you are over thinking
she said "you got this"
she said "you'll be fine"
she said "he's toxic"
i say
i still have to deal with it.
bit of a crazy week already, a sick poot with
a heavy heart
who has no one to talk to and no where to
i'm not even a Poot anymore
with a throbbing head and a blue hat

january 20
looking forward
waking up
earlier than normal
january 19
(curfew over thank god for our 19 yr olds)
(who will be 20 this year)
so here i am
awake before nine
and actually awake;
even my brain and my body
there's even a candle in the corner;
and two people awake down the hallway (!)
two extremely different people
forced together in life
as the caffeine molecules make their way through
my intestinal tract and into my brain
wait does caffeine actually get through the
blood brain barrier?
skyla thinks i'm estj for wondering that
as the pupper paws her hundred pound floof past
the bathroom door
and wow for a moment i feel creative
having roberta tell me she loves me yesterday
was key
thank you roberta
and so i've decided to enjoy this morning
slowly wake up
with the molecules and the minus temps blowing
through the cracks in the 100 year old windows
so is
Lauren back? well yeah.
she looking forward and not back? hell
much longer will this last? yell yeah.
essentially for 20 years the mEp was my
mindfulness mornings.
when an ENTJ is IN the moment, she has to
do something useful with it.
she wrote in the mEp for 25 years.
jan. 15
alpaca feet up on a bed
with comfy things i never said
some music coming down the hall
and tumbling dryer warming all
a frozen world outside the door
the pupper loves and loves some more
a shining sun with parksy friends
who run and play and
jan 10
am i a mensch?
ultimately, what i'm still trying to figure out, is, is it just me who feels this way or are these thoughts normal and people just aren't willing to admit them. or, they are normal and so no one feels a need to talk about them...
january 8th : lauren is coming back.........
so in the past and in today
there's never anyone in my way
they push aside they run and hide
they are just not able to be in stride
to abide or be allied.
am i up top? am i too high?
am i the one who
so let's discuss generational differences
they had expectations
we have none
i have none
is this MBTI related
ultimately, what i'm still trying to figure out, is, is it just me who feels this way or are these thoughts normal and people just aren't willing to admit them. or, they are normal and so no one feels a need to talk about them...
january 7th
mildly ringing ears tiding me through the night to
hopefully the last unemployed friday of mine for six
maybe more...
sweaty underboobs in a duel heated room; with a little
broken heart
and some tepid but delicious coffee nearly done as
pigs yell and wake me
at nine oh nine
another holiday shitshow is done
hopefully the last shitshow in a long time
yes i'm awake but a tad achy
with wandering eyes and mind
and a bored soul indeed...
each day a million more thoughts i cannot say
it should never have been this way
though what does it mean
Lauren returns on Monday
make those phone calls i hope i can
i hope she will have the energy
and the energy not to care
as no one else does.
no singing
no sighing
no lying
january 6th
inside out and upside down
where are you
i'm here..... same place i've always been.
you don't remember though
cause you. don't. care.
you only actually care about yourself
and i know this why
well i was you once
i might still be you....
ringing ears
lauren has a job
Jan.5th 2021

good morning Lauren
can the sensors just fly away
and dig a ditch
can we have some meaning in life:
the pandemic is losing air
losing fancyness
losing it's edge
squeezing us in
freaking us out
and tyin; us up
watchin' us dig ditches:
watching us pee
watching us watch...
watchin' nothing at all
january fourth but i
wish it wasn't
six more days until someone thinks
i'm getting up at seven am every day of the week
and hopefully
will have akleenex soon
i'm going back to being
Lauren again...............................
january 3rd 2021
this is absolutely my
meditation station.
but removing life from every moment
is harder and harder
even though it's supposed to
get easier
why did i used to embrace si
...lauren knew how
but she doesn't anymore.
Lauren sold
one of her new cars because her monthly expenses
were getting seriously out of hand
with the Lake house, considering they were rarely
using it anymore. Packing everything up and loading
car and cleaning two houses was just getting to be
too much. Yes, the air on the lake is brilliant, and
morning view staggering and mind numbing, but having
to manage two households in the city and one
in the mountains just became a little bit more than
she was willing to deal with on a regular basis. so
it ended up being rented and repaired regularly.
Then there was the pandemic of course...
sun. doesn't matter what day.
january 2nd. doesn't matter much either.
just need sleep please.
i just don't wanna bore you
but sensors are sensors
january 1 2022
Year 25 for this pen...
since we met, CLB and i...
before a dog, a pandemic, and many other things
which have warped who i am
who you are
(some of you)
and hopefully will keep warping.
we are following a new number today,
it's twenty twenty-two,
woo hoo, who whoo.
a challenge for me and a challenge for you
for you hoo hoo
for who who you.
half caffeine is done; one step up the flight
half wine begun, remind the plight
morning stretches; build some strength
evening walks and at the length
along with Lauren
who told her story
who is still trying to tell her story...
for one more year.