



2 / 23 /24

8:35 am

here i am
there you are

making eNTJ friends  all of a sudden

wed  feb 21

9:22 am

goodbye Philbert


feb 17 2024

Watching this morning's  live walk in NYC, I recalled the many iconic places I have take our kids

Today's list:
Where I have taken our children:

  1. Statue of Liberty
  2. Empire  State Building
  3. Times Square
  4. Central Park
  5. Staten Island  Ferry
  6. Broadway Wicked
  7. High Line
  8. Guggenheim  museum
  9. Park Ave + 5th Ave.
  10. World Trade Center Station
  11. Chelsea Market
  12. SOHO shopping
  13. Brooklyn Bridge
  14. Brooklyn neighborhood
  15. Coney  Island
    1. Jones Beach State park
    2. Montauk Beach
    3. Inlet restaurant
    4. Sag Harbour
    5. Carter Beach
    6. Roosevelt museum


main reaons  i deserve money

  1. i am efficient
  2. i am kind
  3. i do tons of shit for others
  4. i am smart
  5. i don't waste others time  at work
  6. i save companies money
  7. i paid for ernie's car
  8. i  paid for andrea's kids trips  for 12 years
  9. i pay for up north
  10. i pay for andrea who pays for his wife  and kids
  11. i pay to replace shit in this  duplex
  12. i do the lawn here
  13. i sit here all day
  14. i pay for chloe
  15. i pay for andrea

feb 15

hello thursday.
some days i can speak.
some days  i cannot.

some days i worry
some i do not

some times i am sad
some times i push  it out

today is sunny
today is alive

feb  14

the last 13 years have been hard.
all due to alcoholism.

but alcoholism is due to hard as well.

feb  12 2024


i think i deserved this
balance  1400

Sam  got fired, Olivia is pregnant,  superbowl boring, and i slept  many hours  all weekend,
got  48  hours  of aloneness
weather is  fine

not alot  of work to  do;
gonna just be grateful for now

brought a few  thousand  dollars of  clothing to  the renaissance thrift store
paid  all the bills
andrea is in Hamilton
chloe  in Ottawa

we have a TV  in living room

feb 3  2024
02 03 25
8:12 AM

Billy Joel week

686,900 views 2 days ago #BillyJoel #TurntheLightsBackOn

caffeine  required  to  explain

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