June 2024


june 23

sunday rain

trickle trickle
let me SLEEP til ten AM
thank god

speaking of god
goodness of god is  my new fav song
thank you crosbys

not payday

swam yesterday
debatingnew york
called periodotist

june 18

grieving is a learning process

june 17

weekend  over phewph
b-day hamburger
groceries - monkland -
laval - ughh exhausting

downtown breakfast disaster
dog park chat with two foodies
home then rockland
3 tshirts yummylunch

june  16
hallmark days suck

retirement parties suck
birthday parties  suck
bbq  sensor parties suck
and ESFPs suck

all draining the fuck out of me.
yes it's me
yes i don't care

dumb people do avoid smart people for sure

june 10

Cynthia bday

let's not make a list

good news monday

BTW got some really good feedback from the work you've done so far! They really appreciate you!

june 9

june 8 : last night

things i can't say  here, betty and her boyfriend, both born  in 1958, betty and  diana,  dog walking  first group  girl  therapy session i've been involved in in a long long time. betty lives her life

memories of nyc
i knelt  in the trinity church by myself
i prayed for everyone
started with jenny and kyle and all of the youtubers  i watch
the man with cancer,  Eirean, glioblastoma, Lindy, Christopher, could  not think of everyone's names
and  then went through everyone i  could think of
added  my sibings and family of course,

day 2

goal in  nyc was to chill = done
walk around Greenwich village  Washington square park and  west village = done
911 memorial = done
piers  =  done

rooftop bar


more  to come