December has cometh
november 30 2016
are answers to the questions which plague us again and
there are tests which divide and conquer us
happiness is not a thing to be(hold) but a thing which
be(holds) you
and humans reach for the ring, again and again
am i the one who wants the easy answer?
or am i the one with the easy answer
i ask you.
november 29
montreal seven
ode to the internet
internet; have you forsaken me,
you have not answered every question
and i'm starting to forget what the question is
oh internet; they take you for granted,
your magic has slipped away
along with your buzz
oh internet;
they mock you, they reduce you to cats memes;
they step on your magic and hide behind fake names;
oh internet
i promise
i have not forgotten
your promise
23 2016
tick tick tick tick
become next tuesdays before i'm done with last tuesday
the large pots are washed over and over again
a thick sticky snowfall isn't so sticky except for
catching us unawares
and the mbti groups never stop notifying me
it's not alot of moments it takes to pen these elctronic
yet those moments seem to be evading me
the perfect moments of calm and warmth
where myself meets myself
and all my thoughts can be focused like a beam
after bouncing off the insides of this head
for many years, i never knew it was a luxury
and with that word,
a squeaky doorknob,
signals a waking child
who thinks her mother
is sleeping.
november 15 2016
rush rush rush rush
your rants for all to see:
they will be forgotten:
november 14 2016
monday monday 8:34
curtains drawn, i chew, and i sip. mild worries wash
over me and i embrace them, one by each, and push them
i lean and switch on the light, contemplate a bundle of
facebook notifications, lean into the Klingon noise, and
sip and chew
why did he forget every conversation we ever had about
joni mitchell, every note in the Bach cantatas is still
perfect in his head,
what does he think i don't like about this place, which
fears of his come alive as he sits in traffic, can't he
see it's just as peaceful?
i shouldn't write any of this but a supermoon must have
made me do it, the weekend was wonderful in many
respects, but
puncuated with moments of instability which threw me off
kilter; finding her money for things i can't figure out
anymore, if she needs,
arriving in a bright restaurant with too much makeup,
and a few major bouts of exhaustion before my mother
wondering why.
topped off with a text message which cemented how much i
wanted the weekend to be over.
november 13 2016
the circle of life
is nothing extraordinary here,
mine are ordinary thoughts and ordinary words,
the mundane thoughts one has as one rises to greet the
and sees a yard full of crispy loud yellow leaves;
some on the ground
and others - still clinging to limbs - dancing a final
and then sailing to their resting place -
it marks a new circle, those leaves on the ground,
for for forty-seven years they would not have been
resting there;
but would be neatly tucked away in precious bags;
to be controlled, as everything was,
by a generation who valued more the contrived world we
over the great circle of life.
november 12 2016
i could distill Facebook into mEp
words, synthesize that world, and spit it here, for all to
i could ruminate
about whats homey and list the plants i've watered or the
noisy fishwater in my ears
i could list the
tasks of life, archive fashion, from washing these old
wooden floors, to still-heated maintenance sex,
i could paint any
picture here, sum it all up or reduce it all down, for the
world to see through my ocular
and that is what i
miss doing, in fact, holding up a lens, my lens, my
particular crinkled lens,
and seeing all of
it, and your lens too, through it, and making only sense
of it,
from where i sit.
after many years i
once again wake to beautiful emails
- she's a younger
version of herself
- who needs an older
version of me
something about our
is so beautiful
i can't even think
about it
"There is a crack in
that's how the light gets in"
RIP Leonard Cohen
November 7 2016
you can add up the parts
you wont have the sum
you can strike up the march there
is no drum
every heart to love, will
but like a refuge
While i was
away, this happened

november 2nd 2016
well slept poot wakes with wishy washy dreams of being a lab
assistant and eating weird food:
sometimes real life
is better than a dream:
online friends form personalities and become more real
than desired:
many hours of sleep and it's wednesday morning
some routine will return in november without a grant
proposal to write
rushing to blurt out these words as visions of new CEOs
run through my head
and i'm starting to understand how people lose sight;
will it help us, though, to know what it wrong and what
is right?
even if i know truly and deeply, every single universal
will it confer an advantage or still will it leave me
begging for more.
the mEp ... my Electronic pen . . .
and all of the
contents therein are copyright
Poot's Place 1996 all the
way to 2016. 20 years.
photography original unless otherwise credited.