i missed november
i missed many things
october 29
563 days.
october 26
no deep thoughts today
just another rainy toozday
just another sad day
of heartache and pain
for those who grieve
and for those who do not
another day of not understanding grief
and living your life
that was me
for a very long time.
not her.
october 25
but the one i will tell is that, your organization
is super slow and all your employees and processes
have caused this project 14 weeks of delays
but your response now that things are a mess is to
yell at us to get IBM on the phone (facepalm)
what's the point of a work social if you cannot
voice your concerns about work lol
my tweet got liked by the politico guy yay.
we talked about flaws, that is what Henry and I
discussed last meetup, i said she had none
and of course he said if someone doesn't understand
him he considers it a flaw but i was
referring to objective flaws (he pulled out that
term this week, good way to phrase it)
and he was referring to subjective ones. i tried to
explain to him that there are objective flaws
there are flaws that humanity considers flaws.
ultimately so many thoughts today, i weirdly slept
all night
Meetup topics were great and meetup people were
then lots of conversation with the no flaw person
should teaching be a vocation??
october 22, friday.
good morning
i rarely say that
half a night of non drugged sleep
another half drugged
isn't horrible
enough to not say good morning
and type in the
the week is ending, like other things, the Haylna
Baldwin story
is breaking
lots of hearts
as grief spreads
and as i straighten my back
to life.
betty needs the wine:
she deserves it:
so does Mika:
anyone who is kind to me:
"i don't relate to you"
Billie Eilish song in my head
because of them:
october 21
secretmep created
trying to add a password ...
october 20
lots of ohs and zerohs
no x's thougoh
i wish you had a last day
your last email to me
april 13, 2020
9:18 am`

thank you michael jackson for giving me the courage
to read his emails.

Flight to Zurich
Looking at the past...
Dorval Airport
october 16
sounds like a familiar day:
through birthdays from the past and months of pain
and now there's rain
on top of pain
but there is some joy
on top of ploy
between the cells
of this heart swell
as i push on
while feeling long
it might get past
the past
october 14
long long night, force yourself to write
october 13.
hump day.
the government works in a way of logic
that is like asking someone to get the apple down
the hallway
with grains of rice lined up in front of the apple
and the individual picks up each grain of rice
returns it to the start
until there is no rice before the apple.
October twenty twenty-one with a broken dash
good morning world
wow i never say that
i guess i slept
list of things to do: air compressor
how do you know your parents love you
how do you know you have ADHD
how do you adjust a pillow correctly
how do you get peace and quiet
how do you go on vacation without worrying about
how do you choose a font size
how do you tell twitter you hate twitter
how do you admit to something... like
in the end it's normal we end up only
posting vacation photos on fb
it's not related to bragging
it's the only thing that doesn't start annoying
sunday sunday
every song is painful
almost every
and yes, my words are no longer ephemeral