E l e c t r o n
i c pen ... the 2010 edition
long, long, before the word 'blog'
was a silicon twinkle... there was...
the second decade
november 26 2009
morning rising alone,
november 26 2009
morning rising alone,
the theme from titanic whipsers
from the kitchen radio
and i feel like
making bento boxes
and as the modern music trickles from the music
the sadness within that movie washes through my
waking up the notion that in the world of popular
we are forced to re-live our own lives, over, and
over again
and that i have
chosen to create my own culture,
one based on wars in sierra leone,
the economic outlook in china,
and nothing created by pop culture in america...
when, by chance, i
flick on the radio,
and 'titanic' comes on,
i feel sorrow for
everyone who lives in this world, re-living their
own trials
and tribulations over and over again, from month
to month...
Perhaps they become as immune to it as i have to the wars in africa...
november 11 2009
boots is
feeling loved.
our kitchen does not feel loved as the process
life is life is life in the world of being loved
and kitchens
9:43 finds poots and
boots scrounging thru halloween
candy for the childless
delving deep, i
conclude not to dig...
unless people opine
what's useful here
concentration feeble
for now
just enjoy throwing words at a page
at a blank white page
some things havent'
changed sine 1977....
and there was a tempo..
you have no clue how i never thought i'd see the day...
november 7 2009
there shall be a tempo
![Pecs Hungary]()
actually took this picture.Hungary
was a beautfiul place
that year.
Or, is it more beautiful looking at that year from
this year?
what a day, what a saturday, from sick to
well and inside out again!
nearly a lasagna in
the oven and a tempo in the drive
poots and boots are
mind melding the kitchen
whether bad or good, it's good
stress oozes out the pores in ways we never knew
it could
during the night it asks us questions
and in exhaustion, it feeds the day
but the smallest poot
is happy and bubbling
so screw the homework undone
tell the whole world go to HHHH
and get back to singing jann
arden poots
but anyways i'm happy
to be here and to have a saturday
night loungin
in the luxury that is our world
the luxury of repose
of webkinz wine and
french english dictionaries
and of waiting three weeks for water pipes to be
and still having water...
november 3 2009
poots and boots are mEpping...schlepping
wintertimes appear
overnight as cold leaves fly and time falls back
when i pull out of the
garage, it's night.
we all know it's time for bourginon,
vivolo, xm radio
dominican calls but so
does the kitchen
and a few real moments of mEpping
appear alone
we both, we've lost mj,
has anyone else in the theatre really lost him
that is what i wonder.
our loss is real
we wonder, over, and over, what will history make of
with this soul with soul
and his soul full of soul
being here...
feels good
and iTunes calls...

november 1 2009
someone found me here...
i thought i'd mention that
in between Danny boy and haloween
and the little one says 'I Hate Today'
i guess i'm
making resolutions
need photos taken
singing loudly proudly
determined to write more
perhaps to promote myself;
and i
guess i knew today
would be a tired one
october 7 2009
What is this catastrophe
This calamity
This Sierra Leone
Where boys are soldiers and drink all
And this planet of ours, from venus, with my life until
Devoid of any real catastrophe
Propped up with pillows
Reading about theirs
Refusing to understand
Or accepting that it’s not really that
How can I walk
Walk anywhere
As I manage my catastrophe
1996 -