march marched in
amount of things i
cannot say are
piling up and
knocking things
yes i'm hiding
from a dog
and from you
in the middle
of a few conversations:
cognitively dissonant,
upgrading a Mac,
correcting corrections, hiding
from a dog, ducking in
general, from a messy kitchen
and a messy life, and a clan
of judgement.
simple human tweets are
jobs seem to be calling as
i can make my own plan
i am my own plan
is it cognitive dissonance
that it bothers me that it
bothers you?
does the circle ever end?
it does.
i know it does.
everything comes full circle.
even cognitive dissonance.
trust me.
not bougie enough
my theme is not very
bougie either thees days
n'importe quoi and hate
hating on
boundaries, whatever they are
or perhaps they aren't
it's a family that thinks it
but it isn't.
feb 16
9.02 am
humanity returned
dreams of an everyday housewife;
wild ones now gone as the snow piles
and piles
there was a hotel, we decided to crash
at, we had been downtown,
there was a work event, an interview
with an older woman who told me i was
too shy
so i opened up to show her my real
side and she said yes
moral of a story
a certain level of privilege has
returned to my soul,
carried with it the memory of
foundational non privilege:
it keeps me aware
and content
at almost
feb 15
on non-bending back, i sit straight up.
determined to wake up
in my way.
so i can have my day.

there is an order to waking
coffee low brain
coffee mid-brain
coffee right brain.
louise brain.
and when this phase is missed: there is no
when it gets interrupted: no one else gets
louise either.
sore back muscles, sore butt bones, ringing
singing ears as the java permeates
chewing cheek, cold room, people to answer to,
assignments to correct,
the time for me is done before my coffee's
my time is up.
feb 13
i veil my words to keep you safe:
i learn slowly but
when i learn i learn;
i control a lot but i keep pushing:
in groups one learns to listen
to breathe
to support
i am thankful i learned this
day 2
ten am with weird timing:
already have basked in freezing sunshine
while the pupper tries to eat the pigs
silence, little whines, darkness, ten fifteen.
cereal, silence, and a little red spot on my arm
as the pupper flounces to the floor slamming her
massive head on the ground
as a super nova would do.
eleven oh three with no schedule amiss:
work to be done
have we replaced you
pupper landing day
eyes on me.
9 am and 10 am.
stale coffee on a new
new sun:
new daughter:
new dawn:
new day.
back straight:
text straight:
man straight:
"straight up now, tell me is it gonna be you and me
A super Nova lands today
in our airport
in our living room
in our hearts
welcome, explosion
we will all dwarf beside you.
MBTI break
(posted in MBTI group and it
absolutely is an ENTJ thing:)
if i love something
and i'm obsessed... like Fran, I have to share it
i cannot enjoy
it alone
feb 9
wakey wakey back - a -
what a sleep - dreaming of
from on a meeting in a
house in the woods
with teenagers walking
through it
on a path
explaining to the guy on
the phone
my busy life
to the edge of the sea
and the edge of New
explaining kayaks
then swimming myself
around the "dream" ocean
bend from bygone dreams
to a massive wave
and the thing person on my
right holding a child over her head and me her waist
as the wave washed over us

and then woke with this body achy
as though the dream was a portal
to another life.
ref: chloe's story about this week's
the pupper swimming
oh, time to start the countdown...
36 hours till the Eagle lands.
meet Nova:
feb 1 -8 : class