august pandemic mep

the absence of words on this page is unrelated
to a lack of words on my part.
it is largely related to the inability to speak
my mind.
the only words i have are impossible to say
months of silence pass
as i scratch
and sip
even I, cannot read my own thoughts.
july 28
i guess working gives you something to do
even if there is nothing to do
july 27
when the
summer closes in: the
world closes in:
little poots jumped o
25 2020
when the
summer closes in: the world closes
little poots jumped over here for
on a decision making day: moving
intrusive thoughts:
and wondering how much pleasure
life should actually have...
july 19
8:40 am
the words i can say
get smaller and smaller: evidenced here.
where is the world for me... the world where i
can speak my mind:
and i run thru what i can say to who and to
and it becomes more complicated
every time
i try
july 8 2020
july 7 2020
8:40 am
it's a non
woken body with a sore gut:
hours later this body works:
not sooner:
with cries of pain down the hall and in my intestines:
july 5 2020
take yourself
out of yourself: you had convinced yourself where you came
but in fact with time, everything comes full circle:
full circle:
will i come full circle
my theory says i will.
no credible voices in america
leads to chaos of truth
mayhem amongst people on the same side
and yes. i do feel bad for being an asshat once in a
i was naive for a long long time. and much of it was your
time to make the donuts but it's sunday.
july 3 2020
there is
no where to speak; no where to complain; no secrets to
be kept;
there is a wide world ; and me ;
sensors on twitter
july 2 2020
in the longer hours of the night
where my thoughts are long and thinning
i come up with patterns
which my day-self refuses to see
such as those three men, all kind and gentle,
after all these years, still liked me
still liked me
and now are all gone.
some people have to "make up" their life
because they don't really have one
or because
they are living someone else's ...