
july 31

end of july
tomorrow is august


july 25  2023
11:02 am

good morning.

it's still july;
it speeds by;
sun up sun down;
and running all around.

no tennis, but a dog,
no money but a job,


july 23

good morning

the sun is out,

The jig is up, the news is out They've finally found me The renegade who had it made Retrieved for a bounty Nevermore to go astray This will be the end today of the wanted man

(Renegade, Styx, 1978)

july 22

relate to colleen ballinger; i've made mistakes;
and they have traumatized a child;
but i did not have bad intentions;
dealing with things in life that we cannot control or do not understand
make us make mistakes sometimes

and some other people make mistakes every day
and they impact my life too.

sometimes people make mistakes, simply because they made a mistake
and that mistake doesn't make them a terrible human, it just makes them a human..

i know it's your birthday, but it all started with you.Ω
yes, i know it was because of your trauma as well..
but this is not an apology video, this is just me telling the world the facts.

july 20

you can judge us; you can judge me.

when your kids were small, i spent a fortune on them
i showed up at every event
i brought things - maybe not what you wanted
but go ahead, judge me

july 19

made it to wed.
tuesday sucked.
but i made it through

July 16 2023

10:45 AM
happy Birthday Chloe

July 15 2023

1:48 pm

if you don't have the physical or mental health energy to keep your house as clean as people expect it ti be,
you just have to learn to understand that

July 14 2023
8:12 am

i can carry you forward for the rest of my life


July 8, 2023
8:54 am

the colleen ballinger thing
is reminding me of so many concepts
not the grooming part
but the ADHD part
and the speaking her mind part

its running thru my head constantly
and i'm not afraid to say it
she did not have bad intentions
it brings my mind to my intentions
to me not being allowed to be me

i often wonder
if i link to her video
if this site will still be here in a thousand years
or if youtube will be

July 6, 2023
8:32 am

ok i could take back some of that

but what i want to say today is

she doesn't organize meetings;
she doesn't organize aNYthING
she never planned to meet me
she wants me to run the company but i can't make one decision

but to organize a 5a7 goodbye for someone who did not understand my question,
she'll find a website and build a survey

                            Eyeing Chloe.jpg

birthday vacation vlog 2

vlog 2-trip home through Brooklyn+NY

Short 1, coopers beach


short 3 - Coney Island party time

Short 4 - more fireworks (moonworks)!

July 3, 2023


this whole miranda sings thing is really giving ME vibes. well vibes that i relate to.

vibes of my current job,
the hypocrisy from my boss,
the hypocrisy of the entire world,
how the world wants you to be one thing
but they don't have to be that thing.

Long Island Surprise Birthday Trip vlog 1

July 2, 2023


so many stories to tell

no one to tell them to.
